Design Procedure of Knuckle Joint, Design of Machine Element, Types of Failures | Shubham Kola

In todays session will learn about design procedure for knuckle joint, this type of joint is used for tensile application were we join two rods which are acted by tensile load. here knuckle joint consist of Single Eye which is hollow shape, and double Eye known as Fork, here single eye inserted in double eye then we are having a Knuckle Pin which will be attach and here also there is pin called as Split Pin inserted through Knuckle Pin Collar. so the whole system becomes a lock system. here on single eye we are appling load p which is towards right. on double eye we are appling load p which is towards left. and this knuckle joint design only for static load not for dynamic load. so the major dimension are, diameter of rod denoted as small d small t is the thickness of single eye. t1 is the thickness of double eye. and here i will denote small d1 is diameter of single eye and for double eye the diameter would be same. here knuckle pin diameter = diameter of rod i.e. small d Now let us analys types of failure occurs during application of knuckle joint. So here i make a table of various stresses induced in knuckle joint. so there are four tensile stress, three shear stress, and two crushing stress. here minimum area of Knuckle joint is diameter of rod i.e. small d. so the first failure occurs at minimum area, i.e tensile stress at Rod which is = load p devided by cross section area of rod (pie by 4 d square) The next failure occurs due to tensile stress at outside diameter of a single eye, so the formula is load p devided by area of cross section i.e. (d2 - d1) multiply by thickness of single eye which is small t. The next tensile stress is at outside diameter of double eye, and the formula is load p devided by area of cross section i.e. 2 into (db - d1) multiply by thickness of double eye so these are 3 tensile stresses. now the next stress is shear stress So failure occurs due to double shear stress at diameter of a knuckle pin, so the formula is load p devided by area of cross section i.e. (pie by 2) d1 square. The next failure occurs due to double shear stress at outside diameter of a single eye, so the formula is load p devided by area of cross section i.e. (d2 - d1) multiply by thickness of single eye. i.e. small t next failure occurs due to shear stress at outside diameter of a double eye, so the formula is load p devided by area of cross section i.e. 2 into (db - d1) multiply by thickness of double eye which small t1 so these are the 3 shear stress. now the crushing stress occurs at thickness of single eye, so the formula is load p devided by area of cross section i.e. diameter d1 into thickness small t. now the crushing stress occurs at thickness of double eye, so the formula is load p devided by area of cross section i.e. 2 into diameter d1 multiply by thickness small t1. so there are total 8 types of stresses in knuckle joint where 3 of tensile stress, 4 types of shear stress, 2 types of crushing stress.
shubham kola,joint,strength of material,types of joint,Design of Machine Element,Knuckle Joint,mechanical,engineering,Design,som,formulae,Types of Failures,Design Procedure,problems,


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