Blanking, Piercing, Punching, Lancing, Notching Process Working Animation | Press Working Operations

In this class will learn about Press Working Operations like punching, piercing, blanking, notching and lancing Operations. so here Punching is a machining process that involves removal of scrap metal from sheet of raw metal. It requires use of punch press to compress tool through a sheet of raw metal. here punching tool press through sheet metal while placed against a die. Therefore, punch sheet metal takes the same shape as the die used. so Punching uses a machine to create metal objects in specific shapes using a die. where in Piercing process raw metal is pierced with a machining tool, resulting in the creation of a circular or other shaped hole. During Blanking process, a metal workpiece is removed from primary metal sheet when it is punched. here material that is removed is the new metal workpiece. Notching is a metal-cutting process used on sheet-metal or thin bar-stock. In notching operation the material removes from edge of workpiece. Notching process is used in press, so as to cut vertically down and perpendicular to surface, working from edge of a work-piece. where in lancing Operations workpiece is sheared and bent with one strike of die. and there is not reduction of material, there is only modification of its geometry.

punching,notching,sheet metal working,shubham kola,process,blanking,production,piercing,manufacturing,mechanical,lancing,animation,


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