In todays session we learn about drilling machine operations like drilling, reaming, boring, counter sinking, counter boring, spot facing, Tapping operations. so first is drilling operations, in drilling we produce a cylindrical hole inside workpiece. Here, material is removed by rotating edge of cutting tool. And that rotating edge is called a drill. in drilling internal surface of hole is usually rough, and the hole is always bigger than drill size. next is Boring Operation, here we increase the diameter of the hole which was previously produced. Boring operation is done due to machining internal surface of hole which was produced by casting process. Boring operation is done due to correcting roundness of hole and finishing the hole correctly and for making it of required size. The boring tool has only one cutting edge. The boring tool is placed in a boring bar which has a tapered shank. The speed of the spindle in the boring is usually very less than the reaming. the Spot Facing Ope...