Extrusion Processes: Hot Extrusion and Cold Extrusion Process Working Animation | Ifinfotech

In todays session will learn about difference between hot extrusion and cold extrusion process. here hot Extrusion is a metal forming process of shaping metal billet by forcing it through a die opening. this process takes place above recrystallization temperature, due to this temperature the hydraulic driven ram easily presses metal billet, and metal starts to flow through opening, forming extruded product of required cross section. where in case of Cold Extrusion process the temperature is set to below crystallization temperature or room temperature, because The advantages of this is higher strength of extruded product due to cold working, and it gives closer tolerances and better surface finish to extruded product, and fast extrusion speeds. In hot Extrusion process force required to press metal billet is low compare to cold extrusion process because metal is at melting temperature. hot Extrusion product is free from stain hardening. but here surface finish is low due to scale formation on finish product. hot Extrusion process required High maintenance. In cold extrusion process there is High mechanical properties of extruded product. also product has High surface finish and there is No oxidation at surface of extruded product. In cold extrusion process the force required to press metal billet is high. and here extruded product is accomplish with strain hardening.
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